Numero Uno
And so we have a blog. Or is it journal? EIther way, it' a gernal. Eghad
i don't know if this will last, but i figured it'd be relatively interesting (at least to me) to try and somewhat chronical our group effort to make a couple of nifty movies this fall. the larger picture, of course, to establish ourselves and make an attempt at doing this for a living (or someting to that effect?)
so. sit back. relax. and wait. wait for the next entry, which probably won't be for a while... but i do have some cool concept drawings (courtesy of one mykie slattery) which are definitely worth a gander... i'll get those up on the site sooooooon. i hope. and before then maybe i'll get those cursed videos up.
"only time will tell what stands the test of time"
~Van Hagar. Hells Bells, baby. Hells Bells.
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